4 Tricks to Uplift your Physical Health and Fitness

Sana Ahsan
3 min readMay 31, 2022

Is the sight of measuring your waistline with a measuring tape familiar to you? And throwing away the tape hopelessly thinking that you are not one of those lucky persons who have a greater tendency to lose the extra pounds? Then relax and be on board for tips to improve your physical health, as you are not alone on the journey.

According to Statista, a survey was conducted among people from 30 different countries about the significant health problems faced by their country, and obesity was ranked 5th. Following are the four tricks to kickstart your wellness regime and ultimately lead to a healthier version of yourself.

Watch your calories

Calories are a measuring unit, and 100 calories from an apple may seem the same as 100 calories from a donut. But when we analyze these calories in terms of carbohydrates, proteins, or fats, these two are not the same.

Eating a donut makes you full, but you crave to eat again after a while, whereas an apple keeps you full for an extended period. Apart from this, different foods impact your metabolism, hormone level, and appetite differently.

Quality over quantity

The difference between quantity and quality should be considered when counting calories. The calories from carbs are processed to be stored as fats, making your weight loss journey more complex. The food you eat substantially impacts your overall health, including your cholesterol and diabetes levels. These two are considered among the most common diseases globally.

Try to nail down your diet with more proteins and carbs in your meal and plenty of water to keep you full with loaded nutrients.

Stretch Out fully

Start your day with some full-body stretching with the rising sun. Take deep breaths and let your body be stretched to its fullest. No medication can surpass the role of yoga in assisting with behavioral change, weight loss, and maintenance.

“If you don’t make time for exercise, you’ll probably have to make time for illness.” says Robin Sharma, a renowned motivational speaker and author.

Try lunges, squats, leg lifts and arm circles, chest presses, and punches for the lower and upper body, respectively.

Be Innovative; Be Consistent.

Regular workouts and dieting deprive you of the pleasure of eating. One ultimately gets annoyed by suppressing the desire to eat for so long, leaving all the efforts as a part of human nature, and starts over-eating.

The secret trick here is to give yourself some excitement once in a while so that you may not give up your fitness journey. Switch between the casual workout of the gym and the recreational outdoor physical exertion. You can opt for swimming, hiking, cycling, and even kickboxing.

The bottom line

Health and fitness are not merely about trimming your waist. It’s more about how you feel. When you are healthy, you are more able to enhance your experience in life.

You can reach your target by making simple lifestyle and dietary changes without falling prey to nutrition deficiencies and disorders, as practiced by 56% of survey respondents. Never push yourself to hectic workouts and training. Once in a blue moon, treat yourself to some sensation. Sneak in a bit of fun and spoil yourself with some kayaking or a Zumba class. Stay Vibrant, Stay Healthy.

